Foundations Applied Conversation & Education Tool
Every marriage is a journey of discovery that began when you first met and will continue for a lifetime.
Our approach
The questions in F.A.C.E.T. are intended to open up areas for discussion under thirteen different topics. There will be opportunities for couples to review their results with facilitators, but they are encouraged to begin a dialogue with each other as soon as they are finished. In addition, couples are given some open ended questions to take home that are intended to stimulate further discussion on the same topics.
F.A.C.E.T is not a test, but an opportunity to keep communications moving in a positive direction between two people who plan to get married.
A Conversation Tool for Engaged Couples
FACET is not a test; it is designed to open the door to new conversations. No pass or fail, just new insights.
“FACET helped us find the topics we hadn't talked about and learn so much about each other.”
Randy and Carla